Blazor Window - Overview

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The Window component is part of Telerik UI for Blazor, a professional grade UI library with 110+ native components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.


The Telerik UI for Blazor Window displays content in a modal or non-modal popup window. Developers use popup windows to make their Blazor projects more user friendly by decluttering the main view from rarely used details.

The Blazor Window is a highly flexible component that lends itself to rich customization with its various configuration options:

  • Draggable: Choose to allow or disallow users from dragging the window across the screen.
  • Resizable: Either set and lock a specific size or allow the user to click, drag and resize the window themselves.
  • Position: Set a specific position with the Top and Left properties or center it on any sized screen (default).
  • Modal: Choose to prevent interaction with the rest of the screen until the window is closed.
  • Actions: Action for Maximize, Minimize and Close are built in but you can add any custom action you like.
  • Events: The Blazor Window component allows you to program against various events, such as VisibleChanged, StateChanged, WidthChanged, HeightChanged, Action Click, LeftChanged and TopChanged.

The demo above will give you ideas on how to implement your own Blazor Window. You will notice the use of configurations such as Class, Width, Height, Top, Left and Visible. Note that this window is not modal as you can click on the demo tabs without closing it. Don't forget to change the themes and palette to see how the window appearance automatically changes.

This Blazor Window Overview example is part of a unique collection of hundreds of Blazor demos, with which you can see all Telerik UI for Blazor components and their features in action. View the source code of the demos from the library or directly adapt, and edit them and their theme appearance in Telerik REPL for Blazor or ThemeBuilder.

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